
A truly entrepreneurial team of independent thinking personalities with great leadership & outstanding skills.

Never stop learning

Curiosity, continuous learning and exchanging ideas is in our DNA. 80% we learn through project experience. The Campus takes care of the remaining 20%. More than 30 mandatory trainings – from presentation skills to healthy living, from PowerPoint to network development. We continuously extend the program and engage trainers, who are the best in their field. Your development is first priority.

Take your time

Your goal is to learn Spanish or to get an MBA or PhD. You need time. Partners as well as Associates taking a study leave is common practice. We support you by providing an individual budget, infrastructure and very flexible sabbatical periods. You need one more month, no problem.

Grow further

On manager level you gain access to the Campus circle of renowned coaches. They train you in a series of 1:1 sessions on individual skill needs. Presentation with the communication advisor of DAX30 CEOs. Stress management with a heart rate monitor and meditation coach. Speech training with a former TV moderator. A huge variety of subjects. Enabling you to excel as manager.

Expand your horizon

The Campus also hosts Digital Talanoas. The Fiji word Talanoa means inclusive, participatory and transparent dialogue. In this spirit, digital technology experts share and discuss with us newest advancements – from deep neural networks to the impact of robotics on society. The yearly highlight is the NextGen Summit, a sister version of The Stern Stewart Institute Summit. Heated discussions on social, economic and technology topics – Independent Minds only!

The Stern Stewart Institute Summit

Be a risk taker

Entrepreneurs want to realize their vision. Stern Stewart does not only live entrepreneurship on projects, but we encourage you to start your own business. You can pitch your project and receive initial financing. Most importantly also access our network. A call with a CEO of a potential client, an expert in artificial intelligence, advice during the first funding round – you name it. The partners will advise you in bootstrapping the company and bring the foot on the ground. Stern Stewart will support you in any way to succeed. Failure? Not a problem, because we are convinced the learning experience is invaluable.