…and so does the approach. Structured. Fact-based and state-of-the art.
Four steps to derive results. Fact-based and state-of-the art.
Throw away your 20th century spreadsheets. Leverage the power of data.
Use a digital twin of your footprint to find the true optimum.

Case: Chemicals industry - ~20bn revenue / +200 sites
The Challenge? Finding the optimum. Within a global network. Across +200 sites. Hidden in 48 legacy systems. With interdependencies on all levels.
The tool? Palantir Foundry. State-of-the art. Real-time. Across all systems. Digital twin of entire footprint and analysis in foundry instead of dinosaur spreadsheets.
The outcome? Transparency on all levels. Strategic. Immediate transparency on interdependencies between all +200 sites and automated identification of re-allocation potentials. Tactical. Product groups with fixed cost deficit identified for portfolio management. Operational. Daily performance management in real-time.

Deep Dive - Strategic decisions on steroids. Using automated re-allocation simulation on state-of-the art Palantir Foundry through end-to-end capacity shift simulation.
The outcome? Decision making in lightspeed. Product re-allocation scenarios in less than 1 month instead of 3-6 months. Fully transparent with impact on OPEX, CAPEX requirements and recommended production and logistics set-up.
To create A striking impact for our clients and society at large