Executive SummaryStern Stewart Research // Volume 69
A deep dive into the packaging industry.
Identifying trends and adapting to changing consumer demands - two key factors for the success of an industry. What are the trends in the global packaging industry? Are it the large players that are growing fastest? Or should the focus be on the smaller players? Where is the most packaging needed? Which markets are the most promising? In order not only to answer these questions but also to understand the background, we have published the study Global Packaging Insights.
Food and pharmaceuticals - the two most promising sectors in the packaging industry. What seems like details become vital factors: intelligent functionalities, covenant suitability and lightweight. Instead of producing the same packaging in large quantities, individualization of the individual pieces is trend, as are small batch sizes and flexible packaging. End customers are thus the focus of attention.
Let’s dive into the trends and market conditions. Not only about short-term conditions, but also about long-term growth opportunities.
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